6/5/2020 0 Comments LyrebirdHave you ever seen a Lyrebird in the wild? Have you ever heard a Lyrebird? Watch this amazing video taken by Melany Nauta. It was taken on June 5th at Kinglake in Victoria. Just near Masons Falls. Its just amazing. I love the Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo at the start and the baby Magpie eating at the end. How many sounds can you recognise?? If you find this bird interesting why not learn more about it? Learn the ways you can identify it. What it eats. What's its habitat. What's its conservation status. How you can help it. It all starts with something- mine was koalas and look at what I am doing now!?! Learn about something and then share its story. I'd love to hear what you think about this and if you decide its something you want to learn more about.
4/28/2020 0 Comments Delivery MadeDELIVERY MADE
On Saturday you might have seen the post I shared about the kangaroo family we found hit by cars on the freeway? Well, this is where we were travelling to- Dutch Thunder Wildlife Shelter to make a very important and large delivery. I've been collecting things since January and was due to go there as I always do, during the school holidays. Unfortunately with the virus- I wasn't able to go. BUT, we managed to deliver these donations on Saturday because we learned that they were having trouble getting feed. What a long, amazing day which started with us waking at 5.40 to attend our ANZAC Dawn Service in our driveway. After that, mum told me what she had planned for the day. I was in shock and couldn't believe we were really going! We had packed the car the night before but mum had told me it was because dad was going to take it all to work and have it freighted up on a pallet- NEVER did I think, we would actually be taking it. It was so amazing to see all the work they have been doing up there. Amazing to see all the koala and kangaroo joeys in care, they have all grown so much since January. Thank you to Alison from Hadlow & Sons Pet Supplies for helping with the stock feed. We took more than 400kgs of feed up with us. Plus some more went to JABS Joey and Bat Sanctuary and Little Urchins Wildlife Sanctuary. We also took some toddler beds that we got off the local free sight- these are great for kangaroos to relax on. There was lots of laundry liquid, some tissues, first aid supplies, puppy pads (which they were nearly out of), limited cleaning supplies as they are super hard to get at the moment and some Pamper packs from Pinchapoo that will be passed onto their volunteers as thanks for the work that they do for the shelter and wildlife in the area. So THANKS again to everyone that supports my work and allows me to make donations like this and support volunteer wildlife carers and rescuers. See my website for the ways you can help plus I've attached my "Wildlife Pantry Shopping List" if you'd like to help buy items from this. http://libbyskoalacrusade.weebly.com 4/28/2020 1 Comment CARER THANK YOU PACKS![]() Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well in isolation?!? I’ve started remote learning this week- it’s been good so far. Hopefully you saw my post last weekend about the pamper packs from Pinchapoo that I was lucky enough to get. It’s been great to already have some of the lucky recipients, message or post messages of thanks. I love to be able to show people where their donations go and who/what exactly, they help. These packs are no exception and I’m so thankful that people are sharing so that the girls and volunteers from Pinchapoo can see the people they are reaching and bringing joy to. I still have dozens of “human 🛀 pamper packs” to distribute but I’m going to start with a call out to hopefully help with the postage to send 20-30 out now. I have a list of carers/rescuers that I’ll be working through then if I’ve got packs left, I’ll ask for help from my followers to nominate more. If you can help pay for postage for these, please Deposit money to: Libby Fisher BSB: 063594 Account number: 10401537 Ref: care pack $10 sends a gift to someone!! Let’s see how many packs we can get out!! 4/28/2020 0 Comments Orchard FundraiserOh my goodness. Mum took this pic today when she went to get apples & pears. These Pink Ladies from ApApted's Orchardswill be available next month!
I currently have lots of gala apples & packham pears ready to collect this weekend or anytime next week. 2kg bag for just $7.00 16 parook court, diamond creek. They will be out the front from 9.30am-5pm daily. Please leave money in the honesty tin 🥰 donations welcome 😉 If you live in diamond creek and can’t pickup- message me for free delivery. Fundraising to support volunteer wildlife carers & rescuers. 🦘🐨 🦅 🦉 🦜 4/25/2020 0 Comments Pouch CheckYesterday mum and I were driving along the freeway. Mum always stops (when safe) when we see dead wildlife. We stopped a couple of times. This was one of them.
I dragged this big boy off the road. He was in between the freeway lanes and an exit lane. Lying on the painted lines. As I was getting ready to drag him under the safety rail, I scanned the nearby paddocks for his mob. I always look around when I am doing pouch checks. Just in case there are others or incase their mob are looking on. That’s when I noticed her. Not far from me. Sitting in the tall grass down the embankment. I called to mum to come see. (Pic In comments of what I saw. Can you see her?) We clapped our hands to see if she’d hop away. She couldn’t. It was heartbreaking to watch. She had no fight in her and no ability to hop or even get up. We put out the call for help with Wildlife Rescuers 0417 506 941, to have someone come and end her suffering. Thankfully Krysti from Wildlife Rescuers/Rescue Rehabilitate Release answered the call. 30 or so minutes later she arrived. We found that she had rolled down the embankment and was now lying in a boggy ditch. I watched as Krysti ended her suffering & the life of her unviable Joey. 😭 I then went back up the embankment and bought the body of the big boy down and laid him to rest under a tree. We helped Krysti out of the boggy ditch and she bought the mum up with her. She then reunited the three of them, under the tree and they were left together. No one called them in. A whole little family killed and no one called. No one stopped. No one even moved his body from the road. I am 15 years old- and with the help of my mum keeping me safe, I was able to safely pull his body from the road. Then From the safety of our car- we were able to make a phone call, take a little time out of our day and wait for a rescuer to come and end the suffering of a mother and her Joey. It wasn’t hard. I don’t want thanks- I just want to share with people my experience and ask that if you hit an animal, please call it in at least!! Anyone can make a call!! A call needs to be made especially when they are hit and “hop away.” Kangaroos especially, can flee with serious injuries. Broken legs. Broken hips. Head trauma. Marsupials- can be carrying pouch young. They can survive a car strike so they need to be checked. Thankyou, Thankyou to Krysti for coming out to help us. Thankyou to kylee and james from Dutch Thunder Wildlife Shelter for all my training. Thankyou also to Sharon & Andrew from Wildlife Rescuers for my training with you & your volunteers that help with rescues like this. Sooooooo nice to once again be able to pack supplies for some shelters. Its really hard at the moment collecting items and even harder, getting them to shelters.
Yesterday I was able to not only see an amazing lady that I met a couple of year ago, Sally Forsyth BUT, I also got to meet Shelly from Hamilton Wildlife Shelter. They were taking an injured yellow tail black cockatoo to Healesville Sanctuary for treatment. When we heard they were coming this way, we asked if they could stop in and we quickly gathered and sourced some supplies!! They literally were driving right past my house so it was a great opportunity to get some supplies to the South-West of Victoria with their help. They took all these supplies back with them- Sally's car was FULL!!! They were shocked and we kind of laughed, that's what mum's car normally looks like when we do deliveries lol. It was a 8.5hr round trip for them in one day! Including a 3.5hr drive back to Hamilton from our place. They will be delivering these supplies to the amazing Pam from Wildwood Wildlife Shelter - Glenthompson who Sally introduced me to a couple of years ago along with Sean who's in Timboon who we also met through Sally. Some supplies also went to Shelly Hamilton Wildlife Shelter and they also stopped in Ballarat on their way home and gave some to Sharon at Possum Paws Wildlife Shelter. A BIG-HUGE Thank you to Alison from Hadlow & Sons Pet Supplies for helping me with the supply of Micro Barley. She is also helping me with an order I am collecting at the end of the week, to go to 3 other shelters. I have a few more things I’m putting together to go up to a rural shelter but once that donation goes out, my “wildlife pantry” will be empty ☹️ As too my bank account! Thank you to Pinchapoo for the pamper packs. We gave Sally and Shelly a pack each, plus packed one specially for Pam Wildwood Wildlife Shelter - Glenthompson. Plus we gave them an additional 12 packs to distribute to people in their area. We know they gave some to Sharon in Bendigo- she was overwhelmed by them. They are having a big impact on people so thank you Pinchapoo!! And Thankyou to Paula from Little Urchins Wildlife Sanctuary who dropped off a box of supplies for Pam too. Shopping is obviously hard at the moment for everyone, but I’ll keep doing what I can to get the best deals and products that are needed by shelters and then get it to them! We had to go to 2 local supermarkets just to get two bottle of multipurpose spray. Our local large store had none and the other smaller store only had 2. Supplies are really hard to get so if you can help physically with any, it would be great. They can be left in the yellow bins at 16 Parook Court, Diamond Creek. Donations can be made to my bank account too. Thank you to everyone that supports my work and enables donations like these! Our wildlife carers and rescuers really, really appreciate it. 4/12/2020 0 Comments Thank you PacksOn Friday I gave 10 pamper packs to a nurse that my family knows to hand out to some of her colleagues, I was so happy to see that she had put up this post with photos of the nurses with the pamper packs. I am so happy that I was able to help and thank them for the amazing work that they all do.
I am so glad that mum and I could do this, it’s a great feeling of helping and acknowledging the amazing people who work so hard for everybody, I’m so happy that we were able to bring some joy towards them all with their special surprises. These pamper packs were the perfect gift I believe because it makes people feel good, it something they can take home and use for themselves. So thank you so much Pip Taylor for handing these pamper packs out to your amazing colleagues and thank you so much for what you and them continue to do during this time. Thankyou Pinchapoo for making this all possible!!!! I hope everyone had an amazing Easter yesterday! 4/10/2020 0 Comments Passing the baton"Passing the Baton"
So for the last 3 weeks, I've been in social isolation. As many would have seen on the page, my posts have been few and far between BUT, I have been trying to do what I can in such difficult times for the world. Last month, I answered a call put out by Pinchapoo for anyone wanting to take some "pamper" packs for people in our community- at the time, they were looking for teachers. Last year they supplied me with so many baby wipes for wildlife carers AND while I was there collecting them, I shared with them the work that I do. They offered me some incredible "Pamper" packs to gift to carers & rescuers. Hopefully you saw these in the Christmas Hampers that I distributed. So when this call went out, I contacted them and asked them if they would give me some, to pass onto people in my community (teachers/nurses) AND wildlife people. They were so happy to hear from me and were thrilled to help! So the Giving chain began. "First Giving Runner- Pinchapoo Ladies & Volunteers" On Thursday mum drove out to collect them. The ladies at Pinchapoo were so happy to hear how we had planned to distribute the packs. They love giving and hearing about how their donations help others, which isn't always the case given the sensitivity of the issues surrounding those they mainly support. "Second Giving Runner- Me & Mum" The last 3 days- I really felt like SANTA! Yep SANTA! Mum and I left the house to make totally "Essential" local deliveries. It felt great to get out of the house for a bit but even better, doing the very important work that we were doing. "Third Giving Runner- those working in our community" Only a couple knew that we were coming. We visited 15 friends that we know that work in various fields. 8 hospital workers, 3 teachers, 2 police force, 1 wildlife rescuer that deals a lot with police & council workers and 1 community social worker. We distributed more than 170 packs!!! We surprised each person with at least 11 "Pamper" packs. The idea is that they take one for them and take the remaining packs to work and give them out to their colleagues. Everyone is excited that they are now the ones passing the baton for the final time and they too, get to feel like Santa. "Final Runner- the Pamper Pack recipients" We truly hope that the people that receive these packs will love them. It would be so amazing to see the people that these packs reach. We hope that they will share with Libby's Koala & Wildlife Crusade, Pinchapoo and all our followers, (what industry and workplace they are from) so that everyone see the final "Runner" in this giving chain! So THANK YOU Pinchapoo! It was so, so amazing to be able to do this. I have more packs to give to my local community BUT I am really excited that I also have LOTS of packs to give to our wonderful volunteer wildlife carers and rescuers. I will soon be asking for financial help to get them to as many people as I can all around Australia, so please, keep an eye out on my page. All I need is help with the postage 12/16/2019 1 Comment Christmas hampers |
AuthorMy name is Libby and I am 13 years old. I am a Koala Crusader- raising money and awareness for our VULNERABLE koala's and spreading messages about our wildlife that we are lucky enough to live WITH. These are stories written by ME! Archives
June 2020
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