10/13/2018 0 Comments October DonationsA very big THANK YOU to everyone that came to my recent Wildlife Exhibition. For those of you that missed it- i made a short guided tour video to show you around. I am still working on it and hope to upload it soon. During the 3 weeks of my exhibition i spoke to LOTS of people and got the message about ways to help save our wildlife, out there. People were surprised to learn lots of things- from a wombats pouch that faces backwards, that a "sprayed" dead animal does not mean that council are coming (it means that it has been checked for a pouch or young baby), how wombats are treated for mange and most importantly- that koalas need our help and are listed as a VULNERABLE species. I was also lucky enough to raise $1,233.70 for my 3 koala groups. Since my exhibition closed I have also raised some more money and tonight- I donated $1,801.98. You can help me to raise money for these groups by donating to my online fundraiser- CLICK HERE Here are some updates from my 3 groups Janet- MacArthur Western Victoria
Dutch Thunder Wildlife ShelterDutch were very lucky to have recently received a grant BUT, they still need to raise $30,000.00 towards getting researchers to come to the area to study how scabies is affecting the koala population. There is NO treatment or cure for Sarcoptic mange (scabies) in koalas and they are dying in alarming numbers from this. They are working really closely with Melbourne University, Sydney University and Tooronga Zoo's Infectious Disease Department. Read more about Dutch Thunder HERE They have started a Koala Sighting page to try and keep up with their koala populations and hopefully their health. MURRAY RIVER KOALA SIGHTINGS so if you are along the Victorian/NSW border and happen to spot a koala- share your sighting. Australia Zoo - Wildlife Visionary Warrior
Thank you everyone for helping me to SAVE OUR KOALAS!
AuthorMy name is Libby and I am 13 years old. I am a Koala Crusader- raising money and awareness for our VULNERABLE koala's and spreading messages about our wildlife that we are lucky enough to live WITH. These are stories written by ME! Archives
June 2020
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